Was ist ein TASTER?

What is a BUTTON?

GRAV's buttons: An overview

A taster, also known as a one-hitter or chillum, is a small pipe used for consuming weed. Tasters are usually made of glass or metal and have a simple design with a mouthpiece, a bowl, and a hole for filling.

GRAV button:

GRAV is a well-known manufacturer of glass bongos and other smoking paraphernalia. The company also offers a range of tasters in different sizes, shapes and colors that can be purchased at onehitter.de . GRAV tasters are known for their high quality and innovative design.

Advantages of GRAV buttons:

  • Compact and portable: Buttons are small and lightweight, so they can be easily carried in a pocket or backpack.
  • Easy to use: Buttons are easy to fill and use, making them ideal for beginners.
  • Efficient: Buttons allow the user to control the amount of smoke they inhale. Dosing made easy.

Disadvantages of GRAV buttons:

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