Cannabis, Lungenvolumen und Onehitter von GRAV.

Cannabis, lung volume and one-hitters by GRAV.

Let's imagine you roll a great king size joint. With tobacco and half a gram of weed. What do you actually get out of it? How much smoke can your lungs absorb?

It is difficult to give an exact percentage because the amount of smoke the lungs can absorb depends on various factors.

Influencing factors:

  • Gender: Men generally have larger lung volumes than women.
  • Height: Taller people tend to have larger lung volume.
  • Age: Lung volume decreases with age.
  • Training status: Trained people often have a larger lung volume.

However, it can be said that on average, stoners can absorb and process about 50% of the smoke they inhale into their lungs. This means that half of your joint ends up in the bin. Literally goes up in smoke. You simply throw half of your weed away. What a pity, right?

It is what it is. But with a little more mindfulness you can do your health good and save money. If you approach the matter a little more consciously, reduce your dosage a little and lower your cannabis tolerance, you have already taken a big step. Try enjoying your weed without tobacco. Become more flexible and expand your collection of pipes. Check out our one hitters , spoons and pocket bubblers . Small pipes, small bowls. Perfect for dosing, easy to clean, always to hand and they look wonderful too. GRAV sets the bar high here.

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